Zenaida Cammas

Zenaida Cammas

Zenaida Olivero
zenaida.olivero@nih.gov">Email Zenaida Cammas

Power Words

Power Words: Spanish: 
Alégrate, Siente Orgullo, Tu Primero, Invierte en Ti
Power Words: English: 
Have Fun, Be Proud, Yourself First, Invest in You

What school did you attend? 

Indiana University, Indiana State University

What gained you interest in the NIH? 

I transferred to the NIH because it's mission and it is a large organization of about 20,000 employees. As an HR Specialist, I knew this would expand my skill set and I would have the opportunity to grow in my career.

What kind of work do you do at the NIH? 

I lead a team of four employees, together we perform the recruitment, placement, position management, classification, compensation, workforce and succession planning and advisory services. We focus on retaining and attracting a high quality and diverse workforce at the NIH, while providing extraordinary customer service.

What message would you like to send to young Hispanics who are considering going to college? 

College was not only a lot fun and the best time of my life, but it opened so many doors for me. The hard work of investing in my education has given me the opportunity to make choices as to what I want to do with my life. Choose what you want to do with your life, don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. Make the choice of putting yourself first and giving yourself the opportunity to do something great with your life. Your education is the one thing you earn in life no one can take away from you. You have so much to be proud of, make sure your education is one of them.