Darryl! Moch

Darryl! Moch

Darryl! Moch

Darryl! Moch is a consultant, activist, advocate, performance artist, minister, and co-founder and President of Inner Light, Inc., a community based organization with Inner Light Ministries D.C.

A former board member of the United Association of Labor Educators and a member of UAW/National Writers Union, Darryl!  has devoted his professional vocation to advocacy for working class people, the poor, persons living with HIV/AIDS, and other subaltern populations. His work is deeply influenced by the labor movement in the U.S. and other progressive movements.

Darryl! holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre, Dance, and Psychology (Clinical Counseling); a Masters of Education degree in Counseling; and a Masters of Fine Arts in Theater (Directing) from Alfred University.