Shelma Little

Shelma Little

Shelma Little">Email Shelma Little

Power Words

Power Words: English: 
"Integrity, Perseverance

Where were you born? 

Charleston, SC

What school did you attend? 

College of Charleston, Howard University

What gained you interest in the NIH? 

I was attracted to the NIH's mission. I was particularly interested in the work NIH was doing at the time to improve the health, and lengthen the life of children with HIV/AIDS.

What kind of work do you do at the NIH? 

I serve as Division Director for Data Analytics and Customer Outreach in the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This division analyzes demographic workforce data which guides the agency's diversity and inclusion strategies, and connects the Institutes and Centers with EDI's services.

What message would you like to send to young Blacks who are considering going to college? 

Pursue higher education relentlessly. Knowledge is power. A liberal arts education will facilitate the process of learning how to think, how to evaluate and synthesize information. Pursuing higher education will broaden your horizons and open doors to greater career opportunities.