Women - Resources - Career Development



Extramural LRP

Intramural LRP


  • The Summer Internship Program at NIH
  • Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
  • Undergraduate Scholarship Program
  • Post baccalaureate Intramural Research (POSTBAC IRTA/CRTA)
  • The NIH Academy
  • Graduate Partnerships Program
  • Office of the Director - DPCPSI Mentor Program

    This program is intended to give DPCPSI staff in-house opportunities for career growth and development, and to expand their professional networks. The program offers different models of mentor/mentee relationships suited to the different needs of the mentees. Some employees may need one-time career advice, for example, or short-term connections, whereas others are looking for a more traditional longer-term mentoring model. In addition, program group sessions have offered venues for mentor-mentee conversations on a variety of subjects such as managing change, motivating others, conflict management, or emotional intelligence. For more information, please contact: Lora Kutkat, Division of Program Coordination, Planning & Strategic Initiatives.

  • Office of the Director - Administrative Career Enhancement Program (ACEP)

    The Administrative Career Enhancement Program (ACEP) is an initiative of the OD Voice Committee. The OD Voice was formed to address organizational awareness and professional development for OD employees by analyzing yearly Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) data and making recommendations to increase employee engagement, enhance morale, and capitalize on areas in which the OD excels. The ACEP subcommittee was formed to address organizational awareness and professional development for OD employees. Based on needs identified during the EVS, focus groups, and discussions with the OD Voice, ACEP was created to address the needs of junior level OD staff.

    ACEP provides Federal employees, at the GS-12 level and below, within the Office of the Director (OD) opportunities to:

    • Enhance skills that are relevant and applicable to their positions.
    • Develop a wide understanding of the OD, fostering awareness of the organization and their place within it.
    • Enhance their professional network.
    • Receive valuable mentoring and knowledge on available career opportunities from senior leaders within OD.

    Please contact: Sheria Washington, M.B.A, OD Executive Office

  • NCI - Career Mentoring Advantage Program (CMAP) (requires NIH credentials)

    This program is NCI’s internal, year-long, facilitated mentoring program that promotes sharing and teaching of critical skills and institutional knowledge, and nurtures the professional growth of its employees. The program guides mentees through the mentor selection process, there is no application required to participate.

  • NHGRI Mentoring Program

    Available to NHGRI employees, this program provides a relationship-building environment and an opportunity for open interaction and professional development between colleagues at different levels and stages of their career. Participants will have the opportunity to obtain a mentor, reflect and self-examine, learn and enhance core business skills. For more information, please contact: Paul Cheung, Management Analysis & Workforce Development Branch.

  • NIDDK - Network of Minority Health Research Investigators Mentor/ Mentee Program

    Available to members of MHRI, this program gives young investigators the opportunity to work closely with senior investigators in research areas of interest to both the mentor and mentee. For more information, please contact: Camila Torrella, Program Director, Performance Management and Employee Engagement Executive Office

  • National Research Mentoring Network

    To provide researchers across all career stages in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences with the evidence-based mentorship and professional development programming that emphasizes the benefits and challenges of diversity, inclusivity and culture.

  • The HHS Mentoring Matching System

    The HHS Mentoring Matching System is designed to support mentors and mentees in “Partnering for Excellence” and finding mentoring relationships that will help them to forge professional relationships that will result in overall development and learning across HHS. The HHS Mentoring Program can only be as effective as the relationships that are developed between mentors and mentees. The “chemistry” between the mentor and mentee as well as a match between the mentor's expertise and the mentee's developmental needs are critical components for a successful relationship.






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