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Each year, we recognize May as "Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month" by acknowledging and celebrating the many contributions that members of this community have made to society. This year’s theme is "Walk Together, Embrace Differences, Build Legacies."

There are many ways to honor Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) who have shaped our past and future through their service and government leadership. One way we, in EDI, are showing our appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the AAPI workforce is through our Game Changers and Change Agents campaign. Later this month we look forward to featuring our newest Change Agent, Dr. Chunzhang Yang, who is a Research Fellow in the Surgical Neurology Branch of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

I encourage you to individually celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by taking a moment to personally thank a member of the community who is serving or has served in Public Service, at NIH, or in Government. Say it in person, write a note, offer a soda (or coffee, or tea); even the smallest gesture of thanks can lift and reinvigorate someone’s spirit.

On behalf of the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, we thank you for your service!

Learn more about the Asian American and Pacific Islander Portfolio at NIH on our website by visiting: